Jan-Bart Cassimon

Jan, Bart, Cas and Simon

4 Digital Marketing Experts in 1


I love to think about possible strategies and to find the best solution for every challenge. I make sure everything gets done the right way at the right time.


I am a dreamer. I get the most excited when I can dream about the future. “What if this happens? What if I could create that?” Thinking outside of the box makes me the creative and chaotic mind I am today.


You can think all you want, but you have to do things as well. During my education I started a lot of projects for me to learn all I could. Because the best way to learn is to do, amiright?


After all the planning, dreaming and doing, it is important to tell your story. My biggest dream is to be a source of inspiration for others. So I try to listen and speak all I can to get there. One day.
Avatars by Zwoltopia

Jan-Bart Cassimon en hond


Go to Co-Founder


January 2021 – now

At Doorstep, we shape digital connections to attract the right talent for your company.

Go to Agency Account Strategist

Agency Account Strategist

January 2019 – December 2020

I help businesses and Marketing Agencies reach their goals by optimizing the Google Ads account and implementing tailored optimizations

Go to Business Partner Account Manager

Business Partner Account Manager

May 2018 – January 2019

In May I moved to Barcelona to start working for HP. I started out as a support account manager but I quickly got my own partnerset to grow business with.

Go to Digital Marketeer

Digital Marketeer

July 2017 – April 2018

sympl is an online recruiting agency. I was responsible for everything that went on online. SEO, SEA, Social Advertising, Growth Hacking


Go to Co-Founder


January 2014 – May 2018

#Twittervoetbal is a football tournament. It is our goal to bring the Belgian Twitter community together to have an awesome day filled with sports and laughter.

Go to Coördinator


October 2010 – September 2017

Crejaksie VZW is the youth service of the Liberal Health Insurance. We organise vacations for children.

Go to Community Manager

Community Manager

July 2016 – October 2016

In the wake of the Pokémon Go hype, me and 6 other community managers seized the opportunity to take an active role in managing the Belgian Pokémon Go Community.

Jan-Bart Cassimon hiking


As a child I always wanted to become a teacher. But during the education the feeling of wanting more kept growing. I started thinking about my future. The entrepreneurial feelings got the upper hand. I decided to quit and started my education in Cross Media Management. And I am so glad I did. I found my passion for Social Media and Community Management. I can still work with people but now I combine it with that other passion, online media.

Go to Cross Media Management

Cross Media Management

Graduated with Honors in 2017



April 2017 – June 2017

I had the enormous honour and responsibility to manage a big 2 day event for Microsoft. I had a lot of conversations on how to make a bigger impact online and helped with the communication of newly launched products.

Ketchum Brussels

February 2017 – April 2017

Right before the Microsoft internship I spent 2 months with Ketchum in Brussels. Together with my mentor Dora, I got to work on different projects to make sure our colleagues didn’t forget the online part of their PR-strategy.

JUSt Agency

November 2015

I was an intern at JUSt Agency for JUSt a week, but it was a great place to learn about the basics of advertising and to get a first glimpse of the life in an agency.

Do I look like a guy you would like to have some tea with?



Online Marketing Certificate
AdWords Fundamentals Certificate
Search advertising Certificate
Analytics Certificate

Crejaksie VZW

Animator at the youth service
Animator for foreign vacations


We all like a compliment, don't we?

You can have coffee if you want to.

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